Monday, March 17, 2008

Premium Selection: Birgit Zartl, Louise P. Sloane, Alicia Bailey, Mark Pack

"My current paintings are strongly influenced by my therapeutical work with clients. Similarities can be discovered in my intuitive approach to images that connects the mind to the spirit and the illusionistic effects I use to convey them. I find the subjects evolving from dreams and memories, and how one previous piece can transfer to the next. Like a journey, one painting leads to another and often when working in this manner (or series) I can accomplish a specific idea to its fullest. A challenging moment when I can say a series is complete, and the works can speak in their multiple existences. Most interesting for me is the exploration of internal landscapes." -- Birgit Zartl

(Birgit has chosen html galleries, visit her link to view her work.)

Louise P. Sloane -

"I've worked over 25 years as a studio artist, in a variety of media. In 1994 I began producing pieces that relied on concepts, materials and structures found in book design and construction. Working in the book arts field allows me to work with the materials and production method that best suit a particular project's concepts and goals." - Alicia Bailey

"Growing" is the word that best describes my primary concern while painting. Growth happens in all living things. If something grows, it is not made. To "make" a painting is to not make art, but if one lets, that painting grow, then art is made. The difference being that the former is only made by the maker and reflects only the maker’s mind. The latter allows for its own making and thusly develops a mind of its own." - Mark Pack

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